YAMAMOTO S.p.A. conducts its business with loyalty, fairness, transparency, honesty, integrity, in compliance with laws and regulations and in accordance with applicable standards and guidelines. It therefore adopts instruments aimed at preventing and reporting illegal conduct and/or conduct in breach of the ethical principles promoted and supported by the Group.
For this reason, YAMAMOTO S.p.A. encourages its legal representatives, directors, executives and employees, as well as all other third parties interacting with the Group, to report any violation of which they become aware, through the Whistleblowing Reporting System: an advanced web platform, which can be used from any device and also anonymously, separate from the Group’s IT systems, because it is hosted by an independent server and allows reports to be made in a highly confidential and facilitated manner, and guarantees high standards of security and protection of the data of the reported person and the reporter.
The Whistleblowing Reporting System also complies with the regulatory provisions of Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, EU Directive 2019/1937 and Legislative Decree no. 24 of 10 March 2023.